English Language Education Study Program Association (ELESPA) / APSPBI
Rapat Kerja Nasional ke-2 tahun 2024: Transformasi Kebijakan Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Kependidikan (LAMDIK) untuk Pendidikan Bermutu.
Mengangkat topik Strategi Kebijakan dan Instrumen LAMDIK terbaru tahun 2025.
Narasumber: Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd. (Ketua LAMDIK)
ABOUT elespa (apspbi)
Who ?
The organization’s activities are focused on supporting and promoting the development of its member institutions. This includes providing professional development opportunities for faculty, advocating for policies that benefit English language education, and sharing best practices.

Principles of APSPBI (ELESPA)
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia
Equality Leading to Autonomy, Empowerment, and Personal, Social, and Spiritual Actualization
Scientific Truth and the Significance of English Language Education as a Means for Promoting Personal, Social, and Spiritual Excellence
Our values
Our vision & mission
Serving as an Effective and Meaningful Instrument, Particularly in Enhancing English Language Teacher Education in Indonesia, Especially Among Association Members
Sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional, visi APSPBI adalah menjadi sarana yang efektif dan bermakna khususnya dalam meningkatkan pendidikan guru Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia, terutama di antara anggota asosiasi.
- Facilitating Collaborative Actions among Member Study Programs and the Academic Community
- Facilitating Collaborative Actions among Member Study Programs and the Government
- Accelerating the Dissemination of Official Regulations and Relevant Responses
1. Memfasilitasi tindakan kolaboratif di antara program studi anggota asosiasi dan masyarakat akademik; 2. Memfasilitasi tindakan kolaboratif antara program studi anggota asosiasi dan pemerintah; 3. Mempercepat sosialisasi peraturan-peraturan resmi dan tanggapan yang relevan.

The President
Dr. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. is currently serves as the president of APSPBI (Asosiasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris) Indonesia in 2023-present. She is from Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, English Education Department, South Sulawesi, Makassar.
Her leadership tenure began in 2023, demonstrating her ongoing commitment to excellence in English language education within Indonesia. Prior to this role, Dr. Ummi actively contributed to the association as the Coordinator for the East Indonesia Region (Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Papua) from 2016 to 2023. This extensive experience positions her well to lead APSPBI and advocate for the advancement of English language programs throughout the country.

Institutional membership refers to a type of membership offered by associations, where the entire institution like a university (department)
Iuran keanggotaan sebesar Rp. 1.000.000 (satu juta rupiah) per 4 (empat) tahun. Baik sebagai pendaftar baru maupun lama / perpanjangan.

Individual membership is the more common type of membership, where a single person joins an association (APSPBI)
Iuran keanggotaan sebesar Rp. 100.000 (seratus ribu rupiah) per 2 (dua) tahun. Baik sebagai pendaftar baru maupun lama / perpanjangan.

Non-institutional membership focuses on individuals joining organizations on their own, rather than through their affiliation with a school, company, or research institute.
Iuran keanggotaan sebesar Rp. 100.000 (seratus ribu rupiah) per 2 (dua) tahun. Baik sebagai pendaftar baru maupun lama / perpanjangan.
annual business meeting
The ABM of ELESPA (APSPBI), Surabaya 2024
International Conference on Language and Language Teaching 2024 APSPBI Annual Business Meeting 2024
Co-organized by the English Language Education Department – Faculty of Teaching Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Navigating Innovation: Striving to the Sustainable ELT
a key event for educators and administrators involved in English language education throughout Indonesia. It serves as a platform for:
Professional Development, Collaboration and Networking, Policy Discussions, Sharing and Recognition, Sharing of Best Practices.
International Conferences
The International Conference of ELESPA (APSPBI)
The International Conference of APSPBI is held annually by the association members
It provides a platform for educators, researchers, and professionals in the field of English language teaching to share knowledge and best practices. It features presentations from international experts alongside local Indonesian speakers.
It offers opportunities for professional development and networking.

Latest News & Press
Stay updated with the latest news and developments in APSPBI’s information for a better academic athmosphere.

Become a Member Now!
Join hands with APSPBI’s team and be a part of the movement.
Individual Membership
Institutional Membership
Every step we take on this journey
We can map out the key achievements of our association and see how far we’ve come in building a better tomorrow.